
ROSE job-application training for Year 9 of the Herder Gymnasium grammar school

Last week was dominated by job-application training for pupils in all classes of the Year 9 at Minden’s Herder Gymnasium grammar school. A total of five classes, each of twenty-five pupils, took part in the five days of job-application training. ROSE has conducted this event since as long ago as 2002, to prepare upcoming generations for a good start in working life.

This year’s job-application training event concluded on Thursday, 6 July 2017. Prior to this date, the pupils had written trial applications to Frau Brockmann, who has been the company’s training manager for thirteen years and has gathered much valuable experience on all facets of applications, passing this on to pupils at these regular job-application training events.

The event began with a short theoretical introduction to the topic of “Applications” by Frau Brockmann. The core subject matter here was:

  • What does applying mean?
  • How do I write my application?
  • The job interview!

The highlight was a simulated job interview. Here, two pupils from each class underwent a classical job interview with Frau Brockmann, who asked these two pupils realistic questions from her large repertoire of job interviews. The simulated interviews were then discussed with the whole class in each case.

  • “Praise and criticism” by the class
  • Comparative assessment of the two interviews
  • And, finally, the question – which candidate would you appoint?

Finally, the pupils received feedback on their trial applications. At the end of one and a half hours, each class departed with many new impressions and much experience gained.