Apprenticeship partners
Herder Gymnasium grammar school
Active and lively partnership has existed between the Herder Gymnasium grammar school, in Minden, and ROSE Systemtechnik since February 2001.
This cooperation project resulted from the idea of bringing together school interests and practically orientated experience by means of close cooperation. This idea was, no doubt, also shaped by the thought of preparing potential young recruits in good time for various areas within the company, but also by that of accepting responsibility for and assisting in preparing young people for working life.
We are currently working on a diverse range of projects together, including:
Occupational colleges
ROSE Systemtechnik is a training partner for regional and supra-regional occupational colleges. This is where trainees obtain the theoretical part of their training. Four occupational colleges are briefly examined below, showing where the theoretical part of training takes place.
Freiherr vom Stein Occupational College
Freiherr vom Stein Occupational College and ROSE Systemtechnik are linked by a longstanding training partnership. The industrial clerks complete the theoretical part of their training at the Occupational College.
In addition to the training, ROSE carries out further projects together with the Freiherr vom Stein Berufskolleg, such as:
Leo-Sympher Occupational College
All of ROSE’s machining mechanics, mechatronics engineers, electronics specialists and technical product designers receive the non-company part of their training at the Leo-Sympher Occupational College. The college’s technical focus generates the perfect synergy effect for these trainees, who encounter concentrated know-how here, and are enabled to learn from it.
Senne Occupational College
The trainees in process mechanics for surfaces obtain their theoretical technical knowledge at the Senne Occupational College, which stands for chemistry, design and media, and can then make a successful flying start in the company.
Lübbecke Occupational College
The Lübbecke Occupational College is a multi-disciplinary establishment at which various occupational profiles are combined in a single institution. Business/administrative, commercial/technical, health, social, teaching, nutritional and supply/care occupations can be learned here. Trainee IT business administrators and warehousing logistics specialists from ROSE obtain here the necessary theoretical knowledge to permit successful completion of their training. They are also optimally prepared for starting their working lives.
Bielefeld University of Applied Sciences
The Bielefeld University of Applied Sciences (UoAS) is the largest UoAS in the East-Westphalia/Lippe region, with more than 10,000 students attending three campuses, at Bielefeld, Minden and Gütersloh. The university is excellently networked, within the region, throughout Germany and also internationally, by means of many diverse contacts, partnerships and cooperation projects in the scientific, economic, political and cultural fields.
The Minden campus faculty is one of five at the Bielefeld UoAS. Some 1,600 students study here, on eleven courses, ranging from Construction, via Information Science and various engineering disciplines, up to and including Health Care and Nursing. The Minden campus is known, in particular, for its range of course models, including practice-integrated, cooperative and dual courses of study.
ROSE Systemtechnik is a cooperation partner of the Bielefeld University of Applied Sciences. ROSE offers practice-integrated courses in Electrical Engineering, and in Engineering Management, with specialisation in electrical engineering. Here, practical phases of eleven weeks within the company alternate with twelve-week theoretical phases at the university. In addition, ROSE Systemtechnik also participates in the “Entrepreneur Forum” and “Entrepreneur Exchange” events. These two events promote interchange between the university and the participating companies. ROSE is also a participant and exhibitor at the university’s information day, where future students can obtain information on possibilities and models for courses of study, and also on cooperation partners for practice-integrated courses.